CBD products may admittedly be something new in the market. However, the hemp plant – from which CBD comes – is about as old as the oldest crop in the world. Hemp is anything but a brand-new fad; in fact, its history is just as long as it is wild, strange, and intriguing.

The details around hemp may be a little hazy, but that’s no reason to be concerned. Hemp farming, for one, is legal in the US, and the CBD business has become more popular ever since the Senate came out with the Farm Bill of 2018.

Hemp Has Been Grown For Centuries

Hemp is one of the world’s ancient crops, and humans have been growing it for centuries. It has been around as a crop in China for 60 centuries, and modern-day Iraq has remains dating as far back as 8000 B.C. The rise of hemp can be attributed to its naturally strong fibers, with hemp fiber being known the world over as one of the most resilient plant fibers. According to many experts, hemp was even among the first textiles which found use in manufactured clothing, thanks to its flexibility and durability.

Hemp Was Instrumental To The Foundation Of America

Hemp used to be a highly valued crop in the early USA, mainly due to its adaptability. It was once even considered as legal cash, which meant farmers could pay their taxes using it. Even the founding fathers acknowledged the benefits of hemp, with both Thomas Jefferson and President George Washington placing hemp on their farms and speaking of its benefits.

Hemp Was Used To Make Paper Products

Hemp found use in the manufacture of different kinds of paper before people recognized its benefits as a medical product. You could make a range of things using hemp, including tissue paper, cardboard, and writing paper. An acre of hemp is equal to around 3 acres of trees in terms of yields in paper production. There are environmentalists who urge using the old ways, because cultivating hemp is a faster option on the same land area.

Hemp Is healthy 

Hemp seeds are widely considered a superfood, and being basically nuts, they are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and such. Hemp also has other nutrients like minerals and vitamins.