Recently, the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 has been approved for adolescents. This has made our life a little better than last year as we struggled to find a vaccine for coronavirus. Today, many parents are considering taking out their children to a hospital or the nearest pharmacy to get their shots. However, most parents in the US are not ready to get their kids vaccinated. A recent survey has shown that more than 70% of the parents are unwilling to take their kids to get vaccinated when the vaccines are available.

For most parents, vaccinating their children for COVID-19 can be very scary, especially because of the many conspiracy theories that are going around on social media. Most people think that the COVID-19 vaccine is not like an average flu shot but something else. 

In this article, we will take a look at whether the new COVID-19 vaccine is safe for kids and whether taking the vaccine is essential for rejoining school. 

Why Is It Important To Get Your Kid Vaccinated?

A short answer to that question is taking COVID-19 vaccination could help your body to develop immunity against the coronavirus. This may significantly reduce your chances of getting the virus. The vaccine trials showed that Pfizer’s adolescent vaccine is 100% efficient in keeping away the virus. Getting your child vaccinated significantly reduces the chance of child hospitalization and also reduces the death count due to COVID-19. According to experts, getting vaccinated is very important to prevent the development of more dangerous virus variants. 

Are There Any Side Effects?

The existing data is suggesting that the vaccine is working fine in teens and is considered safe for most people. Only very few test subjects, 6%, experienced side effects. The side effects that were observed are constipation, depression, and abdominal pain. Most reported side effects were minimal and serious side effects like blood clots were not reported during trials. 

Is Getting Vaccinated Necessary For Rejoining School?

Currently, there has been a lot of discussion going on about vaccine passports only being available for people who are vaccinated. But, we still do not know whether schools in the US will enforce such guidelines. Some schools and universities are asking their students to get vaccinated for attending the classes in person. However, we still do not know whether they are legally allowed to do so.